
Showing posts from May, 2015

Coaching Points: Illinois 2015 Spring Game

All Photos from Jonathan Street Base Offense: Too Much Base Defense: Too Much

Inside the Playbook: Wham! and The Return of the Trap

Wham I love trap plays; I believe they are one of the best and probably the most under-utilized run scheme in modern football. With more and more emphasis on getting upfield for the pass rush and getting penetration to stop the run game, trap and wham schemes should only become more effective. Yet they continue to go under-utilized. There are several legitimate reasons for this: 1) youā€™re leaving a first level defender unblocked for some time, which is dangerous as those first level defenders get more and more athletic; 2) simplified defensive rules (i.e. block-down, step-dow n) have mitigated some of the initial success of the scheme. Still, there are ways around all of this to continue to use of one of my favorite schemes: trap and wham. Long Trap

Coaching Points: Penn State 2015 Spring Game

Abby Drey / McClatchy-Tribune Base O: Mostly 11 and 12 personnel; Zone Run Schemes Base D: A lot of 4-3 Under with a Loose alignment from the SAM; some Apex; some Over on passing downs

Football Fundamentals: Cover 4 Defense "Coverage"

At its most basic, Cover 4 plays as a four deep, three under defense; and at its most aggressive, it plays almost identically to a tight Cover 0. To the average fan, Cover 4 may sound like a passive, prevent-type defense, while to the more nuanced fan, it may seem like an aggressive coverage that can bring 9 defenders into the box. The truth is that it is all those things and more. One of the greatest powers of the Cover 4 is its ability to adjust, the intricacies, and tweaks that can be made to the same look to both confuse the offense, and remain fundamentally sound. In this article, weā€™re going to look at the basic elements of coverage in a Cover 4 defense.

Coaching Points: Minnesota 2015 Spring Game

Brian Ekart Base Offense: 11 Personnel, mostly gun Base Defense: 4-3 Over Cover 4 MOD

Inside the Playbook: OSU's Tunnel Screen and Slip Screen Action

I wanted to quickly go over a play design I really liked but didnā€™t work out due to poor execution in the Ohio State spring game. One thing I think that happens quite often in football is fans complaining about play calling. If the play call works, it was a great play call; if it doesnā€™t work, it was a bad play call. There is some truth to that in retrospect, but itā€™s rarely because of the play design or the conceptual idea behind the play. What I want to look at today is the tunnel screen and then the slip screen off the tunnel screen action. Hit them with: And once they cheat: